About the Journal

About the Journal

“Central Russian Journal of Social Sciences” is a peer-reviewed scientific publication issued by the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA). The Journal has been published since 2006.

The Journal welcomes for reviewing and publication articles focusing on the issues of political science, the legal regulation of management relations, the economic development of the Russian regions, the management of natural resources in the Russian Federation, regional and municipal governance, and the promotion of the interests of the Russian Federation in the global geopolitical arena

Journal mission

Journal mission. Providing an opportunity to participate in the discussion of the development of modern society from the standpoint of political science, sociology, economics, as well as the study of legal, educational, mental and other aspects that shape and determine the development of the Central regions of Russia.

The purpose is to publish original manuscripts and reviews exploring theory, methodology and empirical research in the field of sociology, political science and economics. The Journal is an information platform about political, sociological and economic processes in the life of regions and for research of foreign experience of political consent, social creation and economic development.

Target audience

The target audience of the Journal is the professional community of researchers, experts, businessmen and decision-makers of the Russian regions, interested in the problems of the methodology of political science, issues of economic policy and social transformations occurring in the regions of Russia and abroad.

Open Access Policy

Thr “Central Russian Journal of Social Sciences” is a fully Platinum Open Access journal. All articles are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

All articles published in the journal will be immediately and forever free for all to read, download, copy and distribute for non-commercial purposes.
According to the license (CC BY-NC 4.0) the following use of manuscripts published in the “Central Russian Journal of Social Sciences” is possible:

  • share (exchange) — copy and distribute the material on any medium and in any format;
  • adapt (create derivative materials) — modify the material and create something new based on it.

Archiving and Indexinng

The Journal’s archive is available at the Russian State Library. The Journal’s indexing include Russian Science Citation Index (RISC)Sherpa RomeoCyberleninka, Russian Higher Attestation Commission, and UlrichWeb Global Serials Directory among others.

Author Fees (APC)

There are no submission or publication fees. The processing, formatting, reviewing and archiving of manuscripts are free of charge.
The journal is financed by the founder.

Publication Frequency

The journal is published 6 times a year (in February, April, June, August, October, and December).

Peer-Review Policy

The journal adheres to a double-blind Peer-Review policy, ensuring that both reviewers and authors remain anonymous to one another. Each article is sent to at least two reviewers.
More information about peer review in the section “Peer-Review “.

Sections of the journal

  • Sociology and life
  • Political science and public policy
  • Economics and management
  • Globalized world and geopolitical processes

Types of manuscripts accepted for publication

Original Article (recommended length is 40,000 characters with spaces);
Review Article: (recommended length is 50–80,000 characters with spaces);
Short Communication (recommended length is up to 6,000 characters with spaces);
Book Review (recommended length is up to 6,000 characters with spaces).

Founder and publisher

Founder : Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA).
Publisher: Central Russian Institute of Management – branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA).
The journal is financed by the founder.


Economic Sciences
Economic Theory
Regional and Sectoral Economics
World Economy

Sociological sciences
Social structure, social institutions, and processes
Sociology of culture
Sociology of management

Political sciences
Political institutions, processes, and technologies
Public administration and sectoral policies
International relations

Subscription Index

“Central Russian Journal of Social Sciences” is included in the united catalog “Press of Russia”, catalog, subscription index – 40642.


Phone: +7 (4862) 25-50-39
E-maileditorial board expects all parties involved in the editorial and publishing process (authors, editors, reviewers and publisher) to observe the standards of ethical behaviour.

We evaluate and publish articles only on the basis of their scientific significance and quality and recognise that we are responsible for the dissemination of scientific knowledge, regardless of the race, gender, nationality, citizenship, religious, ideological or political position of the authors.

The editorial board of the Central Russian Journal of Social Sciences confirms that it publishes materials exclusively on a gratuitous basis. All articles become available to readers immediately after publication under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Licence (CC BY-NC 4.0).

The journal publishes only original research papers that have not been previously published elsewhere and do not contain incorrect or excessive borrowings.

Borrowings and plagiarism. The editorial board of the Central Russian Journal of Social Sciences when considering an article reserves the right to check the material using the Anti-Plagiarism system. In case of detection of numerous borrowings, the editorial board acts in accordance with COPE rules. Unpublished data obtained from manuscripts submitted for consideration are not used for personal purposes and are not transferred to third parties without the written consent of the author.

The journal adheres to a double-blind Peer-Review policy, ensuring that both reviewers and authors remain anonymous to one another. Every submitted paper will be reviewed by at least two professionals with a comprehensive knowledge in a particular area a paper focuses on.

The editorial board selects reviewers in such a way as to exclude the probability of conflict of interest and to prevent biased attitude to the submitted manuscripts. The editorial board of the Central Russian Journal of Social Sciences assumes that each reviewer undertakes to observe the ethical principles of scientific reviewing.

The editorial board of the Central Russian Journal of Social Sciences proceeds from the fact that each author sending his manuscript to the journal agrees with the ethical principles for authors of scientific publications.

All fundamental substantive corrections to the text are agreed with the author. In case of disagreement with the correction, both parties have the right to refuse to publish the material.

The reviewer, who has provided convincing evidence that the statements or conclusions presented in the publication are erroneous, must inform the publisher in order to notify the Editor as soon as possible to make changes, withdraw the publication, express concern and other statements appropriate to the situation.

An editor who has provided convincing evidence that statements or conclusions presented in a publication are erroneous should report the matter to the Publisher for prompt notification of changes, withdrawal of the publication, expression of concern, and other statements appropriate to the situation.

The editorial board of the Journal shall monitor the observance of editorial ethics. Detection of ethical violations may result in the rejection of a manuscript at any stage of the review process.

The editorial board, in co-operation with the publisher, will take adequate response to ethical complaints regarding manuscripts reviewed or published material. Such responses generally include interaction with the Authors of the manuscript and arguing the relevant complaint or claim, but may also involve interaction with relevant organisations and research centres.

Declaration of privacy

Personal information provided by authors and reviewers, including email addresses, will be used exclusively for the purposes of scientific publication. The editorial board undertakes not to share personal information with third parties.
