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Prospects for the development of information technologies in the modern management system

 Автор: Golovina T.A., Avdeeva I.L., Parakhina L.V.  Наименование: Среднерусский вестник общественных наук Том 15 №1 2020 год  DOI: https://doi.org/10.22394/2071-2367-2020-15-1-242-254    EDN : CYZDTC  Ключевые слова: Business processesinformation resourcesinformation technologiesmanagement |  Загрузить текст статьи    Читать статью

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Abstract. Information technology is the subject of wide attention in scientific research — technical, managerial, legal. In general, the term «information technology» covers a large number of different automated tools that are combined on the basis of interaction with information, that is, its creation, processing, storage and transmission.

The interest in this topic is due to the fact that new information technologies are constantly appearing that surpass the previous generation in certain indicators, creating the need for research on the applicability of existing regulatory mechanisms to the new generation. At the same time, an insufficient number of works on modern information technologies in the management system is noted.

The purpose of the study is to study the processes of interaction between information technology as a complex of software and hardware, and management as a management tool, as well as the definition of criteria that characterize information technology as a modern management category to reflect the level of their development and penetration into the system of modern management of economic systems.

Research methodology — analysis of information technology sources in the context of modern management.

The article gives a classification of information technologies, which most fully reflects the relationship between information technologies and the solution of managerial tasks, proposes the introduction of new criteria for assessing the state of information technologies in the management system, substantiates the creation of separate Information Technology Development Index in the future.

Keywords: information technologies, information resources, management, business processes.

Funding information: This study was performed without external funding.

Author: Golovina T.A. – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Management and Public Administration, Central Russian Institute of Management – a branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Russian Federation, Orel), e-mail: golovina_t78@mail.ru

Avdeeva I.L. – Candidate  of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Management and Public Administration, Central Russian Institute of Management – a branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Russian Federation, Orel), e-mail: i-avdeeva-i@yandex.ru

Parakhina L.V. – Candidate  of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Management and Public Administration, Central Russian Institute of Management – a branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Russian Federation, Orel), e-mail: novila@mail.ru

© Golovina T.A., Avdeeva I.L., Parakhina L.V., 2020.
